If you’re planning to buy a car, you have several financing options available. No matter what option you choose, the most important thing is to make sure it fits your budget and that you get a good deal. Take time to discuss all of the dealership’s financing options. They may be able to offer you something that you weren’t aware of.
Direct Lending
Direct lending is a very common form of financing. When a person chooses direct lending, they get a loan directly from a finance company, credit union, or bank. This can be done at a bank where you already have an account or not. After a deal is made with an automotive dealership, the loan from the direct lender is used to purchase the vehicle. One good thing about this type of financing is that the people will know the rate and other terms while they’re shopping for a vehicle.
Dealership Financing
Most dealerships have a stable of lenders that specialize in automotive financing. Some just have a few while others have over 40 lenders, giving their customers a huge selection and the opportunity to get the best deal for their situation. These specialized lenders have options like combining interest rates with warranty specials to create package deals that often create a lower payment and offer more protection for the buyer than traditional bank loans.
Buy Here, Pay Here
Another form of financing, called “Buy Here, Pay Here” is when a person attains financing through the dealership selling them the vehicle. The contract a person signs is a deal with the automotive dealer. Dealership financing is fine for people who want to buy a vehicle quickly or during a special promotional time. It sometimes feels like one of the only options for people with bad credit. However, it won’t help build the person’s credit up despite making regular payments. We’d recommend this option only if you’re in a real pinch.
Another option for people who want a new car is leasing. When a person leases a vehicle, they pay a monthly fee, but do not actually own the vehicle. At the end of the lease agreement, the car goes back to the dealer. Leasing is a great option for many people because the monthly payments are often lower. The payments made during the lease agreement work to offset the depreciation of the vehicle.
Indianapolis Auto Financing Options
Hubler Automotive offers all of the following options to their customers. Hubler’s AutoTrak program simplifies the financing process and helps improve a customer’s credit over time. To find out if you qualify for any of Hubler’s financing options, fill out their Finance Application. The application takes minutes to complete and is the first step to getting you into a new vehicle.